This category doesn't have any items of it's own, but these are all the items from categories it encompasses:


from an online archive

The archival of this website is incomplete. There are missing pages.

Felinity Reclaimed

from an online archive

Lupine Instincts - Between Land & Sea

A personal site on being a 'seawolf'. Contains personal writings on Therianthropy in general also.

Saber's Den

from an online archive

Spotted Fur

from an online archive

Swiftpaw's Tree

from an online archive

The Marsh

from an online archive

To Play Upon The Leaf...

from an online archive

A personal site. Also contains a lot of writings from other kinds of therians in it's 'Animal Folk Philosophy' section, and contains a variety of writings that may be of particular interest to feline therians.

Turns Into a Question

from an online archive

Strype's Werecard

from an online archive

A 'werecard' (public profile) with some personal writings from this person on discovering how they were a tiger therian and how they experienced it.

Vladwolf's Page

[currently undefined]
